Safest path up Snowdon

Which is the safest path up Snowdon (Yr Wyddfa)?

There are 6 main paths up Snowdon, and all of them are different, with various pros and cons, depending on your experience and what you want to get out of your walk.

No mountain walk (or indeed any walk) can be described as totally safe, but the Llanberis Path is generally considered to be the easiest path, and would therefore be regarded as the safest because it has no exposed or narrow sections, and hands are not needed at any point. The Snowdon Ranger Path could be regarded as similarly safe for the same reasons.

You can get all the information you need about the paths by clicking on the comparing the paths tab, and then looking at the individual paths in detail.

This website will give you information and answers to every aspect of planning a walk up Snowdon, from where to park, which path to take, toilets, the weather, what to wear and take, fitness, safety, and so much more.

Halfway Bridge on the Llanberis Path

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